Safeguarding Policy

Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions CIO Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults

Renewed May 2024

 We, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, recognise the personal dignity and rights of children and vulnerable adults towards whom we have a special responsibility and duty of care. We undertake to do all in our power to create a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults and to safeguard them from any form of neglect or abuse, be it physical, sexual, psychological or emotional, spiritual, discriminatory, institutional, financial or material. We will liaise closely with church and statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly dealt with, alleged victims supported and alleged perpetrators reported to the appropriate statutory services.

There is a named person – Safeguarding Lead – in the province (UK and Republic of Ireland) who attends meetings organised by the Safeguarding Commissions in their respective countries.

They keep each other up-to-date with legislation and inform the Sisters of any changes. Each year the Safeguarding Representative in England completes the CSSA (Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency) Annual Report Return and it is also signed by the Provincial Leader. This applies also in Scotland according to their annual policy.

In England, since October 2021 we are now working with The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency which has replaced the individual Diocesan Safeguarding Commissions of England and Wales.

In Scotland, we work with the Conference of Religious in Scotland (CRS) which has an established Safeguarding Commission (CRSSC) – that works in close communication with the Bishops’ Conference to ensure independent scrutiny, to support and assist the Congregational Leaders / Link Coordinators to oversee and manage the process around current safeguarding issues.

In the Republic of Ireland, we work with The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland. Ireland is registered through CORI (Conference of Religious Ireland). In 2016 CORI and IMU (Irish Missionary Union) amalgamated to form AMRI (Association of Missionary Religious of Ireland). We are registered through AMRI and the National Board.

The Provincial Leader co-ordinates the safeguarding group.

Our Safeguarding Representatives are:

Kate Burke

Liz Jones


Sr. Mary Frances Collett, RNDM

SCSS (Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Service)

Sr. Helen O’Riordan