August Reflection

Davao – In the Heart of the Philippines

Balay Euphrasie – Formation Centre- Davao

image1 “Into union with Christ, you too are being built together with all the others into a place where God lives through the Spirit.”

Ephesians 2:22

As you enter Balay Euphrasie you are aware of the vision of the Congregation for all of our young women preparing for their final commitment. The grounds are green full of freshness and hope for the future, paths and lawns laden with fruits and nature’s blessings of flowers and herbage of all kinds and colours.

image1 (1)Each sister who enters here is welcomed into this “sacred space” – “to stir afresh Euphrasie’s dream and daring in the world today, to ponder on, marvel at and to cherish your journey in the Divine Missions, to companion new friends in story and stillness, in light and shadow in longings and design, to celebrate the richness of our giftedness, our internationality and our diversity and to create a harmony that inspires and transforms, to delight and to participate in God’s work and play in creation, to kindle anew your passion for the Reign  of God and your consecration to mission, and other friends are welcome.”

We are encouraged to remember our young sisters as they are half way through their six month programme and we wish them and all who are involved in this special time of preparation an unfolding of God’s grace for each.


