Reflection for March 2024

Beware the Ides of March

The Month of JOY and GRATITUDE for the blessings of the past and HOPE and EXPECTATION for the future.

We are the RNDM EARTH COMMUNITY of Our Lady the Missions.

In the mythological past, March/ Martius, the god of war, was so called because the preceding traumatic weather months of winter discouraged intense battles thus providing a welcome and necessary lull in the fighting.

However, in my research, I noticed that there were often battles that raged in the natural world during January and February.

How aptly named after Martius, the god of war, is March which leaves behind the winter devastation and traumas of bitter cold, wild winds and icy blasts. The sodden earth and barren hedgerows and gardens have cruelly teased our minds and hearts with a certain sadness and melancholy. We rejoice now that the military campaigns of the winter months are over!

We have longed for the peace and tranquillity of spring and the recreation of all things beautiful in nature. As the days lengthen and daylight slowly increases along with changing skies, creeping in like a hedgehog awaking from hibernation – we sense a delicate stirring within. We peer through our windows, anticipating the glimpse of the first snowdrop and daffodil. Up in the branches we hear the frenzied flutter and chirping of birds as they create nests for their young.

Our hearts are young again and we know for certain, that those green apples and nuts will ripen; butterflies and ladybirds will adorn our gardens and woodlands once more.

But BE AWAKE! For even to blink could mean that one misses the magic and annual miracle. Our delightful, faithful Robin returns to welcoming venues to entrance us with his red breast and gentle presence and Rabbits prance about in fresh green fields and meadows, a sign of new life!

Though March roars in like a lion, we smile and willingly wrap up warm, our coats flapping in the breeze! It is a small price to pay for such a sublime and glorious gift – that is March!


While we gaze and reflect – our bodies, hearts and minds a re-ignited. We are transformed and recreated! We look out of new and clearer eyes and listen with more open attentive ears and enlightened minds. For God is at work in all of this wonderful creation to which we belong.

Before we were conceived in our mother’s womb we were chosen by God, our Creator and Father/Mother, to be born into this world. Chosen to play our part in cherishing and nurturing all that God has provided for all children on earth.

We unite with all creation and our sisters and brothers in each and every country of the world in praising and thanking God for demonstrating enormous love for a magnificent creation of earth our common home. Amen!

We thank God also for the seasons that enable change – we even thank you Martius, that in your battles you pushed the colder seasons aside to allow SPRING to be born. Amen!

march reflection 1


March relection 2


Sr Mary Frances Collett, RNDM

Photos: Freepik, Wikipedia, FreeI

