Reflection for October


One of my favourite children’s story books is A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh. It has so many little gems in it. At one point, Winnie the Pooh and his closest friend Piglet are sauntering along the path and Winne asks Piglet “What day is it called.” Piglet says, “It’s today!”  “That’s my favourite day “replies Pooh.

It’s simple yet reflective and has the power to help us stay in the NOW, to help us awaken our senses and be present to what is going on around us, wherever we may be, at this very moment.

It can be easy for us to allow our minds to be held hostage by the past or to become preoccupied about the future. We can become relentlessly bombarded by voices and sounds filling our airwaves, bodies, minds and spirits with anxiety and fear because our world is in crisis.

How does the quality of our being present to the moment create real opportunities to work with one another at home and in our global community; to act justly, love tenderly. Trying to be present to the moment allows God’s dream come alive among us to create something new. 

‘Surely God is in this place—and I did not know it!’ Gen. 28:16

 Sr Margarete Doherty, rndm