
July Reflection


Immigrants arriving in London-1850s London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow in the 1850s onwards experienced a time of development and growth. Many of our museums, hospitals, libraries and railways in London were built by many immigrants during the Victorian era. Prince Albert and his team of architectural developers relied heavily on the skilled workmanship from Europe, Ireland and from the Empire. ...

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April Reflection


April Music – Poem by S.J. Goldner I’d like to spend April, sitting on a hill, with a mushroom for a parasol and violets for a frill. And the wind for a violin, to play spring tunes, and the blossoms in the treetops, for gay balloons. I’d like to spend April sitting on a mound, watching for the flowers to ...

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“On one such occasion the Shepherd said to Much-Afraid, “When you continue your journey there may be much mist and cloud. Perhaps it may even seem as though everything you have seen here of the High Places was just a dream, or the work of your own imagination. But you have seen reality and the mist which seems to swallow ...

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The Most Ordinary Things in Life

We all know that God is a God of surprises, but I never expected to experience something so ordinary, and yet, paradoxically so extraordinary! Last Saturday afternoon, I decided to cook frozen, green, garden, peas for our midday meal.  While I was engaged in other activities, I could hear them bubbling happily in the pot.  As I rarely cook this ...

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New Year Resolutions


New Year! New Resolutions! They go together like hand and glove. As I throw last year’s calendar into the bin and hang up a new one, I am as compelled as the Wise Men drawn by the shining star, to set out on a new spiritual journey of discovery; to make a brand new start. Of course, there are times ...

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Yesterday, among the many catalogues sent for Christmas, there was one entitled, ‘The Gift of Music.’  It made me stop and think—yes, how true and how precious a gift!  Shakespeare spoke of music as ‘the food of love’ and God is Love. This gift has the power to draw us in, to the very depths of ourselves and……. that is ...

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May my life be FIRE and WATER Knowing the torment and passion of love And the calm refreshment of reason. Let it be full of contrasts: Brightness—Shadow, Colour–Clarity Warmth– Coolness Energetic dance and  Restful inactivity.  May my spirit be alive and active Fired by desire to transform and be purified Yet content with stillness And the often, drop-by-drop pace of ...

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Visiting our Dead – Lest We Forget


On a recent visit to France over Toussaint (Feast of All Saints and Holy Souls) it would seem as if the whole of France stops to visit the graves of their loved ones.  It is customary to bring flowers – chrysanthemums of various colours and sizes to place on the tombs of their dead and war memorials. The cemeteries throughout ...

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