
Reflection for July – Sea Prayer

sea prayer

In 2018, Khaled Hosseini produced a very beautifully illustrated book called Sea Prayer written in the form of a letter from a father to his son Marwan as he cradles him in his arms on the eve of their long treacherous journey from Homs, Syria, to escape a deadly war zone for safety. This journey would involve crossing many countries ...

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Reflection – June 2023

reflection in June

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir, My First Summer in the Sierra, 2018. A few years ago, I found myself in a Record Shop looking for a particular CD. My heart gave a skip when I heard John Lennon singing ‘Imagine’! I could not take ...

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Mary of the Cenacle – May Reflection

I always heard this in my house, in the catechism classes and in homilies this famous phrase ‘If you seek Mary, you will find Jesus’. I would like to share with you some thoughts on this as we prepare to celebrate the Birthday of the Church. Our RNDM spirituality explains it further under the title ‘Our Lady of the Cenacle’. Pentecost ...

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Last month on the 12th March, Archbishop John Wilson, launched a Diocesan network entitled CARITAS Southwark to co-ordinate “our practical loving service of others, putting faith into action.”  This day was also the Sunday when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman and promised new life, living waters – eternal life. All this, particularly the word CARITAS [A Latin word meaning ...

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Spring symbolises new beginnings and transformations. It brings the possibility of fresh starts, of new life. Most of us acquire an added spring in our step and become “full of the joys of Spring.” We are told that “Hope springs eternal” and this happens particularly, when warm winds sooth our weary bones and long sunny days, blooming flowers and happy ...

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January reflection 2024

jan 24

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language.  And next year’s words await another voice.”    (TS Eliot) As we bid farewell to an old year and welcome 2024, we move into a space of thanksgiving, reflection, hope, possibility, and expectation. And while new year resolution may often evoke a bad press for encouraging unrealistic goals and placing unnecessary pressure, ...

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Hushed Awareness – January Reflection


January is the quietest month in the garden… But just because it looks quiet doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle… A seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl.  And the anticipation nurtures our dreams. Barbara Winkler (www. A-Mused Winter Collage, ...

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Our Liturgical Year – Reflection for December


In North America just recently and in Canada last month, the people celebrated Thanksgiving. I have always envied these countries for this time of family celebration and giving thanks for all that has been over the year and to look forward in hope for what the New Year might bring – not only by way of a healthy harvest, but ...

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November—the Month of Remembering


“Just Passing Through” by Sr Mary Frances Collett, RNDM During my regular walks in the very beautiful cemetery of Houston where my parish church of St.Fillan’s is situated, I am always drawn to one particular grave. There is a photograph of a young man standing with his bicycle. Underneath is inscribed the words: “I will just gather my bits and ...

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Reflection for October

Queen E

Remembering and cherishing what we have had. Already we can see the end of the year fast approaching. Many say, “Where has this year gone, already we are facing a long winter?” “This year has just simply flown by!” All those lovely summer months and extended warm days have simply gone and now just a passed memory. Yet, certain things ...

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